Tuesday, 4 January 2011

A Hive Of Rats

The heterocephalus glaber is the only mammal to live is eusocial social group. Eusocial species like wasps and ants by definition are communities of including asexual workers that aid in rearing children. The evolutionary rout to such behavior confounded the Darwins vision of evolution. however modern gene selection theory now incorporates kin selection as the key influencing factor.

The naked mole is attracting scientific attention with a lifespan in captivity of 28.3 years (oldest of any rodent) the naked mole rat can greatly subsidize its metabolism and therefore has a great resistance to oxidative damage. They also have almost lack the ability to feel pain, its though this is an adaptation to cope with the lactic acid build up in the body due to high carbon-dioxide levels in poorly ventilated living conditions.

Hetercephalus glaber is also thought to be cancer resistant, so a lot of work is currently being invested in mapping their genome. The common eusocial social structure incorporating a signal breeding female, limited breeding males, workers and guard roles are all expressed in mole rat behavior. Sexual behaviors are controlled by hormonal messaging from the queen. However brian structure play its role, oxytocin and vessopressin receptors are situated in the same part of the brain as monogamous voles.

Imagine a human working population that was completely controlled in number, was resistance to pain and any harsh working conditions including cold temperatures and even radiation!

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