Wednesday, 14 March 2012

The Ideal Gas Pressure Equation

"Temperature, 273.15 K (0 °C) and pressure of 10 5 pascals. IUPAC recommends that the former use of the pressure of 1 atm as standard pressure(equivalent to 1.01325 × 10 5 Pa) should be discontinued."PAC, 1990, 62, 2167 (Glossary of atmospheric chemistry terms (Recommendations 1990)) on page 2216  

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Designer Babies and Transhumanism Video!

Designer Babies

My name is Caspar Zialor and today I am going to be discussing designer babies. First I would like to read to you the definition of designer baby (below).

Considering that the a designer is someone is whom devises designs; that designer products are contrived. A designer baby must be a baby with contrived attributes.

"The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology." - The Oxford Dictionary

The first keyword (above yellow) I would like to discuss is evolve. Evolution is the gradual process by which the living world has been developing in time. The processes of evolutionary development can have one of two consequences.

Illustration 1:
Depicts, Anagenesis, the progressive evolution within a species. The characteristics of the population may change, however they remain as one inter-breeding population. Change is to be expect in a species over time. In humans, the genes that govern innate malaria immunity are becoming more and more frequent.

Illustration 2:
Represent divergence,  Each species is a branch in Darwin's drawing "I Think", any branching in the tree shows when one species becomes two non-interbreeding populations. Divergence something we need consider in light of, "haves and have nots", of designer baby technology. Those who can afford the technology may be a at a significant advantage in life.

The second key word is technology (above blue) so let us consider what modern technologies people typically use to create new organisms.

For 10,000 years people have used, artificial selection. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a man made selection process. Screening for molecular diseases (e.g. sickle cell anaemia and hemophilia) will select against defective genotypes, the alleles associated with genetic diseases will deplete within the human population.

In more later times genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been used to fill industrial niches (see below). Recombinant DNA occurs when, original genetic material, is spliced with DNA of foreign origin. Gene cloning occurs when when recombinant DNA is replicated within a living cell.

 How might biotechnology be used to improve human physical fitness?
Muscualr hypertrophy (MH) occurs when the gene that would ordinarily code for the protein myostatin is defective. The resulting organism in lacks the specific protein, myostatin, is an inhibitor of muscular growth. In absence of myostatin muscular tissues are free to develop in excess.

Muscular hypertrophy, also known as muscular doubling, has been observed in naturally and artificially in mammals such as mice, cattle and dogs. Clever scientists have isolated the genotype that causes muscular hypertrophy and have genetically engineered a trout to express the phenotype.
How might biotechnology be used to over come our psychological limitations?

Efforts to consolidate a specific gene associated with intelligence are still in are in development however the impact of heredity on intelligence is also in debate.

If we where to apply engineering to human children we may all be parent children like Richard Sandrak. He was born in 1992 and his country of origin is the Ukrainian-American. He is not genetically engineered and is suspected of taking steroids.
This was created  by Dougal Dixon born in Scotland in 1947. He published the book "Man After Man, An Anthropology of the Future" in 1990.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

A Word on Gender Roles and Feminism

Gender specific roles are growing ever more confused. Androgyny is becoming ever more idealised by the media. I do not oppose the modern trend and am far from a male chauvinist. I was primarily raised by my single mother and I know the strengths women possess. My sister, whom I often meet’s at loggerheads, accuses me of supporting the patriarchal society. She said this when I asked her, without malice, not to play her music so loud at eight at night because I needed catch up sleep. At first took this to heart; I was quite offended by this allegation. However why wouldn’t anyone ask a hypothetical brother politely to turn down their music. On reflection I know she is simply blurting a newly learnt word from her politics and journalism course at university. Petty sibling arguments stand to belittle my argument before I have started however is was an argument measure of the success of feminism with a friend Helena Pliotis that actually got the ball rolling.

The Oxford Dictionary defines feminism as “the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of the equality of the sexes”. The emancipation of women in relatively recent history is, in my opinion, an embarrassingly late progression in human culture. The consensus is that women deserve the same rights as men. However are men still dominant in the administration of politics, economics and sciences?

Men and women’s psychological differences originate in hormonal balance in the developing fœtus and every child starts its development in a feminine form this is partly why men have nipples, I would imagine retaining them is favoured by sexual selection. The hormone œstrogen contributes mostly to feminine specific development. Girls are known to develop language faster than boys and have a greater portion of the brain allocated to social skills.

Direct evidence for women being far more inclined to talk among themselves than men for is a regular experience. Nowhere is the more blatant than the wait outside a primary school to collect a child. Mothers quickly form social circles, a regular group of friends to speak to and wait with. Whereas men often adapt to solitude, never have I before seen a group of more than three fathers interacting, even then such a sight is not common place. However groups of such proportion are common place among waiting mothers outside a primary school.

Socialising is clearly not as elementary or appealing to men as for women. Various peers who live within a conventional nuclear-family model insist their mother ‘wears the trousers’ and this apparently entails acting as spokesperson for the entire family. A women’s vocation in verbalising thoughts and ideas coupled with the absence of aggressive behaviour, associated with the male sex hormone testosterone, make women seem like a an extremely viable candidates for leadership in a peaceful democracy. I would speculate women’s temperament is juxtaposed against the egotism of war.

Man’s oppression of women may thought be due to intimidation. A friend has argued that it is pure narcissism of male kind that has perpetuated gender specific roles by physical force for so many generations. By conditioning have women been trained to be subservient to men? I would argue no however: the male sex hormone – testosterone - is vastly responsible for temperamental and physical development of the male fœtal development.

Men are typically physically stronger than women; however there are acceptations and my sister for one could demonstrate. The golf between male and female physical capability is a publicly accepted inequality and is endorsed by the Olympics. Man’s lack of further development of the social modules in brain is compensated by investing further space for problem solving and lateral thinking modules. Could this be why the emaciation of women is poorly represented in academics? I do know females that have higher academic achievements than I do. My friend believes man’s long exclusion of women from higher education is the reason and women lack the self-confidence and role models to become high academic achievers. I would defy anyone to say women simply lack academic ambition, Marie Currie physicist and Jane Goodall naturalist are house hold names for their contribution to the sciences. Contrary to this women have shown an innate lack of drive because they have never taken a left wing initiative for social reform within classical history. The rise of feminism in recent history is completely unlike any other social uprising. There is no documented evidence for any attempt in vain for women’s rights undertaken and not a single known martyr for the sake of the equality of women until fairly recently.

Observational psychologist Margaret Mead’s field observations in papa New Guinea of a tribe that exhibited gender role reversal further plausibility of learned physical intimidation in women and gender specific roles. Mead experiments also don’t contain enough information of the biology of her observed minority to say that that perceived patriarchy is purely cultural. The reverse roles of gender in this tribe may just as likely be an unusual caused by hormonal imbalance. The males could be feminised or females may have been subjected to more testosterone than normal during fœtal development. Therefore mead may well be observing a behavioural phenotype of developmental reversal. The tribe has never been seen since; this may suggest matriarchy is not favoured by natural selection. Narcissism cannot be the only factor for the modern patriarchy. Each newly born girl is not successfully brainwashed to comply with a completely arbitrary concept of gender roles without any questioning of the reasoning behind it. The fight for gender equality was fairly easy once enough women had rallied for the vote and is nothing close to the persecution of women of Iraq today or the blood-stained plight of the Afro-Americans.

I do not doubt that there is a proportion of male intimidation in domestic situations but my argument orientates around social, political and economic equality (where aggression is typically taboo). Whether or not the relationship between man and woman fully orientated around sexual jealousy and social-romantic dynamics it cannot be said. I speculate the high mortality risks in child birth, low superfluous-fecundity and viviparous wide hips for a biped in in prehistoric women contributed to gender specific roles.

The relationship between man and woman is an affair that dates back countless æons to the first sexually reproducing life forms. Social animals often have gender specific roles indiscriminately placed upon each gender; lions live in a female dominant social order. It would be ignorant to think that natural selection has no tapered the psychology of each living creature to obey his or her gender roles innately. Similarly male lead social orders can be observed in all higher order mammals including dolphins, apes, elephants, whales and wolves.

Evolution was planted into our minds, via the Baldwin effect, complex instincts manifested as archetypal social roles. This is consistent with men and women alike have typical preference for example to be nursed by a woman or lead by a man. Accepting an evolutionary reason of sexism opposed to a cultural prejudice will better facilitate reform, for women to hold animosity pointless. A potential against the evolutionary gender roles argument I have posed are sexual roles.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Casshern a Motion picture Directed by Shochiku Casshern

Casshern in  Japanese science fiction film directed in 2004. The review on the case, from News Of The World, likens the feature to the Matrix, however Casshern completely lacks the gritty realism conveyed in the Matrix trilogy. Casshern has some very blatant plot holes and has tongue and cheek approach to much of its special effects. However the over all cinematic effect keep you up to pace with both the action and the drama. The film is laced with the powerful monologues and philosophical conflicts that the Matrix shares however I fear the English dubbed loses a faire bit of its weight in translation. The set and costume design was executed with style. My incomplete (non-spoiler) synopsis of the film. A scientist, Dr. Azura, appeals for funding for stem cell research in order to extend human life. Their is a wide appeal for this type of  technology because the is so much illness in the ruling stagnating hypocrisy. The steam cells or 'Neo-cells' as their called in the film then conglomerate into power ranger type pseudo-nazi-ninjas. Mean while the research also resurrects the dead son of Dr Azura whom also becomes a power ranger capable of destroying a entire army of giant robot's with no specified origin. It's radical sceptical it wouldn't be shame to miss.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Installing Fallout 3 on Hp Pavillion, Windows 7 64-bit

On the 29/06/2011 I got the 'Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition' for PC. Running it on a 'Hp Pavilion dv6' with the applicable system requirements, as follows.

  • Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU       M 350  @ 2.27GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
  • Memory: 4096MB RAM
  • Card name: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470
The Solution

The nature of my the problem occurred after installation of Disk 1, when I started the game it crashed, after just moments of game play. I managed to get the game working and, special thanks to MissionAvoid and pocho951 from YouTube, the resolution goes as follows.
  1. Make sure you are using appropriate resolution quality and try starting it windowed as opposed to full screen (if this resolves the problem this is Windows in error.). 
  2.  Download d3d9.dll at
  3. Navigate to folder Fallout3. Drag and drop d3d9.dll into Fallout3 document.
  4. Within the folder titled Fallout3 this will be a Fallout3.exe document open it
  5. Locate the script that reads- bUseThreadedAI=0
  6. Then change this into- bUseThreadedAI=1
  7. Create a new line below the change you just made and paste in- iNumHWThreads=2 
I was also having trouble installing Disk 2, the installation wouldn't load I resolved this by installing whilst in Safe Mode.  Safe mode can be accessed by repeatedly tapping F8 before windows had loaded. You can do this when you turn your computer on or by restarting your system. However I am having trouble accessing the additional content from Disk 2.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The Nervous System

The brain contains near one hundred billion cells. Each neuron has one thousand synapses each. A neuron is around 10-100µm wide. The cell body of a neuron is surrounded by dendrites and has an elongated myelinated axon leading to the axon terminals. There are three types of nerve cell the multipolar neurone we have just described, the bipolar neuron where the dendrites are also on an extended vestige and the monopolar neuron both the cell body and axon and dendrite vestige are myelinated. Glial cells help to support, nourish and modulate neurons in the brain. Astrocytes are one type of glial cell. Astrocytes serve as a medium between the neurons and the capillary’s.
Resting potential is an uneven distribution of ions across the neural membrane. The difference in electrical potential causes electro-activity across the neuron. Information is conducted much faster along myelinated axons. Sodium-potassium pumps fire at intervals across the axon and serve to propel impulses to the axon terminals. Neural information travels from dendrite to the axon terminal. The surface of a neuron is rough because it is covered with boutons. Where an axon terminal meets and exchanges neurotransmission via synaptic vesicles to a dendrite is instrumental in information processing, this is known as a synapse.

Neural tissue helps organisms interact with their environment. Afferent sensory neurons carry information into the brain. Information may be electromagnetic e.g. visual by the optical nerve and the retina is part of the brain. The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body and visual field and vice versa.  Senses may be mechanical e.g. touch and hearing and chemical e.g. taste and smell. Afferent neurons act as thermo-receptors throughout the body. Nociception or pain is processed sensory cortex. Efferent motor neurons tell the body how to respond. Vestibular information, balance and motion are coordinated in the inner ear. Proprioceptive sensory information is the relative position of bodily parts.

At the age of one month the embryonic brain has specialises into three regions the forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain. In an adult human, the hindbrain develops into medulla, the pons and the cerebellum. The midbrain associates with the hindbrain to form the brainstem. The brain stem is responsible for automatic survival functions e.g. homeostasis. The medulla drives heart beat and breathing. The cerebellum orchestrates coordination and balance. The embryonic forebrain matures into the diencephalon and the cerebrum. The diencephalon consists of the thalamus, the hypothalamus and the epithalamiums. The thalamus relays messages and may be thought of the brains switch board for the cerebrum. The hypothalamus regulates the pituitary gland (therefore serves to regulate the sleep-wake cycle), hunger, thirst, and pleasure.

The cerebrum constitutes the cerebral cortex, white matter and basal nuclei; the cerebellum is made up of many lobes. The frontal lobe functions for decision making and speech. The partial lobe processes sensory information. The temporal lobe processes audio information and the occipital lobe, positioned at the posterior of the cerebrum, process visual information. The right and left hemispheres of the cerebrum are specialised. The left specialises in symbolic thinking, detailed learning and lateral thinking. The right side deals with spatial perception, context and metaphor.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Characteristics of mammals

Mammals are endotherms they produce body heat by internal means and possess body hair or fur. They have mammary glands to secrete milk for the nourishment of their young. Mammals typically have live births, high metabolic rate, epiglottises, four chamber heart and hypertonic urine

Monday, 9 May 2011

Latent Heat of Fusion

The energy released or absorbed by chemical substance during a change of state, without a change in mean squared velocity. Latent heat if fusion is literally, the enthalpy of a substance when is melted (converted from solid to liquid) without a change in temperature.

Specific Heat Capacity

Specific heat capacity is the joule energy required to heat one gram of substance by one Kelvin. Specific heat capacity changes with the state of matter of a substance.

Hamilton’s Rule rB > C

Quantified altruism, states relatedness multiplied by the potential number of children is greater than the risk taken. Known as kin selection.

The Baldwin Effect

A learnt behaviour that improves fitness for example will become easier learnt by natural selection (assuming those that fail to lean die). Iterated the behaviour becomes instinct.